Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Celias visit with Dr. White

The echo went great. Dr. White said that everything looked normal. I love normal !!!! We were in there for about an hour. Celia was doing flips and at one point she had her legs over her head. It was so cute to watch. I will post ultrasound pics soon.
Thanks for following...


Fer said...

I'm so happy the echo went well! I can't wait to see the pics :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! Glad to hear everything is normal.

The basket is beautiful! You've inspired me to do the same for Grayton's Birthday.
Can't wait to see the u/s pictures.


Tracy Meats said...

So happy the echo. went great and things look normal!! I can't wait to see the ultrasound pics.

Tracy Meats - mom to Ian, born with a LCDH on 4/3/04

Sky + Carla said...

Hey Christy,

I'm sooo happy everything went well and Celia is doing good :)

~ Carla - mom to Joseph with CDH (2.3.09-2.26.09)